Sunday, October 5, 2008

In Cro News: Crocheter Detained Because of Drawing in Her Sketchbook

photo of SUV wearing "Homeland Security Blanket"

This is beyond bizarre.

Keene artist had hard time getting back into US
Keene artist struggles to get back into US
Staff Writer CNHI News Service

KEENE VALLEY -- Keene Valley resident Jerilea Zempel was detained at the
U.S. border this summer because she had a drawing of a sport-utility vehicle in
her sketchbook.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers told Zempel they suspected her
of copyright infringement.She was released after more than an hour in custody at
the Houlton, Maine, port of entry from New Brunswick, Canada.

Her release came only after she persuaded border guards she was an artist
doing a project that involved a crocheted SUV as a statement against America's
dependence on oil and love for big vehicles.

continued . . .